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2:14 a.m.

I'm writing a new entry, because I don't want this diary to be lost in diaryland oblivion.

I miss coming here. I miss this place. I miss the old entries that I've written so long ago. I miss talking about Detroit.

I'm no longer anonymous. People know me online. Friends and family from real life. People can search my name or my screen name and I'm laid out for all to see.

I wish I didn't have to abandon this place, but I had no other choice, there's no privacy (so ironic, since anyone posting online, is doing so publicly).

Tonight was Noel Night in Midtown Detroit. Since when did Noel Night happen so early in December? I missed it. I'm so disappointed. I hung out with my friend Isabel, and we could have both gone. I love being in Midtown this time of year. Actually, I love being in Midtown anytime of year.

My new job will place me back in this wonderful area. I'll be part of the community again. This pleases me immensely! Working in the suburbs I felt so lost, so disjointed. It will be good to go back home.

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