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11:29 p.m.

Just an update (4-11-2003)

A million thanks to the most beautiful Adobo Girl for plugging me in her diary. I'm honored.

This weekend, I might actually have some time to scan and post pictures I've taken around Detroit over the years. Let's hope I don't get lazy. Which I'm quite prone to do.

I wrote the following when I first moved out of Detroit. Rationalizing my guilt of leaving

I am now living in Royal Oak, outside of Detroit. It was a hard time for me emotionally when I moved. I felt like I was abandoning the city. I felt like I was selling out. I felt like I was turning my back on my home. Oh Detroit...

Then, a revelation...

I' m Crossing that "Base Line"

I wish that the city government of Detroit will work to make the city an easier place to live in. The focus should not be to bring developers, casinos and more stadiums in the city, but to improve the quality of life for its citizens. The rest will come!!

Why make Detroit so hard to live in?

The citizens make the city. Advantages that are commonplace in the suburbs are sparce in Detroit.> Full service grocery stores nearby > quality healthcare and dental facilities, department stores, bookstores, snow plowing, quality schools, street lights, decent public safety.

What other major cities have> good public transportation system, small business owners pedestrian friendly, influential small business associations, clean streets, respect for historic architecture, optimal use of the waterfront, neighborhoods, cool city "areas" are non-existent in Detroit. We need places like Belmont in Chicago? Or a Chinatown that you can find in any culturally divers city.

It's just too difficult to live in Detroit, and it's rapidly losing its potential.

Not enought amenities, not enough cultural growth. And with the direction Mayor Archor is taking, by selling Detroit out to corporations, closing and destroying historical structures, and by initializing the rape of the people through the three casinos it'll just become a ghetto /amusement park for the arrogant and ignorant predominantly white suburbanites to pilage.

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